What is an insurance premium?
Costs and charges included in your premium
Cost of claims
Reinsurance costs
Emergency services levy (ESL)
Goods and services tax (GST)
Stamp duty
How your premium works
Calculating your Motor Insurance premium
Insurers base your premium on your circumstances, the cover you’ve chosen, your likelihood of making a claim, and the potential cost of the claim. That’s why each person’s car insurance policy is different, and no two premiums are alike.
To work out how much it will cost to provide insurance for your vehicle, Allianz uses various data sources. We’ll also ask you specific questions. Your answers are important, and all customers have a duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation when answering our questions.
To calculate your premium, insurers use a number of risk factors to determine your likelihood of making a claim. Some of the key risk factors Allianz uses include:
Use of the vehicle
Type of cover needed
Age of the drivers and how many years they’ve held a licence
Claims history of all drivers
Make and model
Value of the car
Usual overnight parking location
How claims affect your premium
Did you know that a significant portion of your overall premium goes towards paying claims? If the overall cost and number of claims paid increases, this can force premiums higher.
Here are some of the key factors that can influence claims costs: